The aim of his studio is to combine, in the project, the actual condition with the responsibility deriving from the experience of the town and architecture.
The professional completeness of the studio is able to cope with complex project programmes on whatever level, making use, if necessary, of a well-established net of specialized advice.

Sandro Rossi
Born in Vigevano in 1948. He took his degree in Architecture at Politecnico in Milan in 1972, with Giorgio Grassi.
He teaches Architectural Composition at the Civil Architecture School of Politecnico in Milan. He carries out his research into the themes of the theory of planning and technical building of rural and urban landscape.
He has published works about the definition of a method for the project in relation to the experience of architecture, town and built-up landscape, also based on the direct knowledge of monuments and urban parts he has dealt with within the restoration projects and urban transformations.
Bruna Vielmi
Born in Darfo Boario Terme in 1950. She graduated in Architecture at Politecnico in Milan in 1974. She developed her experience in the building design and town planning field. In this latter field, besides, she worked as a Consultant to the Sector of the Territory of the Town Council of Milan dealing with general and implemental planning.
She has worked with Sandro Rossi since 1987.
At the moment p.e. Franco Biglieri and arch. Marta Previde Massara cooperate in the studio.
Arch Lucia Mainardi has participated in the teaching, research activity and in Sandro Rossi’s projects since 1992.
27029 Vigevano, Italia
tel. e fax +39038182282
P.I.V.A 00413700188